Taj Mahal- The white wonder!

‘Taj Mahal’ is probably the most famous building in the world today. Built in 17th century BC, by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in the loving memory of his wife Mumtaz, the monument is still widely considered the greatest symbol of love.
We both wanted to visit the Taj for a long time, so in 2018 we made sure to plan a visit to the city of Agra during our India trip.
Agra is a 3 hrs. drive from New Delhi and is well connected by all modes of transport. Needless to say, it’s a big attraction among foreign and domestic tourists in India. I have travelled to many countries over the past 5 years and it is hard to find an Indian restaurant which doesn’t have an image of this monument on it’s walls or doesn’t have the word, ‘Taj’ in its name. The name, ‘Taj Mahal’ almost brings out the image of India for people around the globe.
It was love at first sight as soon as we entered the building arena. It only took a glimpse of it to leave us awestruck. We had seen so many pictures of the Taj Mahal in the past, but the real sight of it felt as pristine and novel as looking at something for the first time!
First look at the Taj, as soon as you enter the campus, takes you to an imaginary place away from the real world!
Tip– Plan to visit the place early in the morning before the sun is at it’s peak to avoid the heat.
There is nothing left unsaid or not written about the beauty of its incredible architecture. Built by 20,000 craftsmen in the 17th century, a glimpse of this white marble monument just enthralls you and makes you wonder if it’s real!
The legend has it that the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan ordered the hands of all the craftsmen, who built the Taj, be cut off to ensure anything similar is not built again. The likely truth is (if you talk to local tourist guides) that the artisans were forced to sign a contract to not build anything similar in the future (hands being cutoff was probably a metaphor but has widely been considered as the reality).
Irrespective of the season and time of the day, you will be accompanied by thousands of visitors. Couples and families, young and old, it has enough to amaze all!
Tip- Don’t forget water and extra camera batteries! You never know, you might not want to come back for a while!
This monument is truly a wonder hiding innumerable tales behind its walls and has seen so much across 4 centuries. There are so many legends associated with this building, no one knows which ones are true and which ones are just legends.
In today’s time, the monument is a beautiful inspiration for the world and and no matter what the legends say, something this magnificent could only have been imagined and built by someone who was deeply in love!
We would love to hear about your experience if you been to the Taj Mahal. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. And, if you have not yet been to this monument, please do!